installed apps:
- p7zip-rar -
- rar 3.0 files won't open var unrar
- usage: 7z x
- ice-weasel
- chrome crashes a lot for me so I don't trust chromium
- yate
- great app to make and take phone calls from Google voice
- light-lock
- xscreensaver is hideous and the dev doesn't want it fixed.
- uses the same screen for unlock as lightdm
- geany
- a decent programming text editor
- simple-scan
- best easy to use scanning software
- guake
- dropdown terminal (might delete if I like tilda better)
- tilda
- dropdown terminal
- Cairo-dock
- a lightweight dock I like better than docky
- ARandR
- Multi-monitor location configuration
- Openbox-metapackage
- result of removing xscreensaver
Modified Config files and Scripts:
- ~/.config/openbox/autostart
- touch pad delay while typing:
- syndaemon -K -i 0.5 -R -d &
- added yate, tilda, and cariro-dock
- ~/.config/tint2/tint2rc
- ~/.conkyrc
- /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/50-synaptics.conf
- added palm detection
- /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf
- I am not a fan of Semplices default background; choose something less abrasive.
- Set it to /usr/share/backgrounds/default.png so that updating which picture is default.png updates both login and desktop at the same time